Restoring the past is part of our motto. A large number of projects we have done fall into the revitalization / restoration category. We believe that while we are modernizing historic buildings we should also honor the original architecture. What results is a beautiful building that looks like it is original to the town but hasn’t aged a day. Our team has become the go-to for the State of Iowa on revitalization projects due to our unique architectural approach.
Revitalization is our specialty. We take a restoration approach, which means we focus on restoring the beauty that once was with modern touches.
As far as favorite projects go, reviving town squares throughout Iowa is up there for us. Exposing the rich architecture underneath “new” facades that were added throughout the years and enhancing it not only improves the look of the building, it improves the pride of the town. Town squares were once the pride of a small Iowa town, but sadly, this is no longer the case for many. We can take an old facade and interior and completely re-purpose them into something else such as offices and apartments. We also revitalize buildings that are in need of a completely new look to continue serving the same purpose such as a bank. Our quest is to help restore town pride through restoring the town square which in turn revitalizes the businesses on the square.

Types of Revitalization Projects