When Is The Best Time To Bid? GD-19.06

When Is The Best Time To Bid? “Build the Relationship” Planning your construction timeframe out can save you $! There are a lot of factors one needs to consider regarding when to get a price quote from a contractor. Cost efficiency “101” certainly starts with seasons of the year [...]

By |2022-09-20T18:20:19+00:00September 20th, 2022|General Downtown|0 Comments

How Many Renters Available? GD-19.05

How Many Renters Available? “Too Many Already?” Will you be able to find a renter for you new upper level unit(s)? National Main Street at one time suggested that 3% of any community’s population desires to live downtown. This statistic is difficult to verify, but over my 30 years [...]

By |2022-09-20T18:17:01+00:00September 20th, 2022|General Downtown|0 Comments

Green Communities Criteria GD-19.04

Green Communities Criteria “Practical Earth & Money Savings” We have all heard of LEED Certified Buildings. Yep, you know it, those buildings that cost an extra gazillion dollars so a plaque can be displayed in the lobby. Architects jumped all over this certification. I don’t know how many LEED [...]

By |2022-09-20T18:16:39+00:00September 20th, 2022|General Downtown|0 Comments

Downtown . . . City Investment? GD-19.03

Downtown...City Investment? “The Downtown District Is a Golden Egg & We Don’t Know It” Do you change the oil in your car? Do you repair the roof on your house when it leaks? Why do you do that? Perhaps you do it to protect your investment? At least, that’s [...]

By |2022-09-20T18:12:24+00:00September 20th, 2022|General Downtown|0 Comments

Diversify Downtown GD-19.02

Diversify Downtown “Advantage …………… Downtown!” Do you know the saying, “Good things stand the test of time”? Well the downtown district has certainly taken its blows over the years. The big bully called a Mall took us to the very edge of extinction. Have you looked around lately? Today, [...]

By |2022-09-20T18:11:38+00:00September 20th, 2022|Free, General Downtown|0 Comments

Assessed Value Increase . . . Ouch! GD-19.01

Assessed Value Increase . . . Ouch! “The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease” Increased property taxes as a result of your improvements is a typical concern. You need to be proactive about it. This topic has lots of moving parts and depends highly on your area and downtown district. [...]

By |2022-09-20T18:04:42+00:00September 20th, 2022|General Downtown|0 Comments
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